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So, this is an extra special project for Expedition Recordings.

The VERY FIRST ALBUM Kiley ever bought on recommendation alone (via a Rolling Stones Magazine review) was Cowboy Junkies “Trinity Session”. The opening track, “Mining for Gold”, has always been a tear jerker, not only from the subject matter (coal miners), but that “Mining” referred to dreaming, and “Gold” always represented a prosperous future. To this day, he can sing their version, word-for-word, by memory, without hesitation, and can do so . . . on the spot. 

Older and wiser, the song still reverberates his soul to no end. With some research, he found that the song wasn’t a Cowboy Junkies song at all. It was written by a fairly well-known Canadian folk singer/songwriter, named James Gordon. With hope in the clouds of finding him, Kiley researched more, wondering if he could find a way to license the lyrics for an Expedition Recordings version.

Not only did he find him, Mr. Gordon is amazingly cool, and was flattered with the project Kiley had in store for his song . . .

“Mr. Gordon, I would love to take your song and deliver it to artists and producers from around the world, each providing their own interpretation of your song. For me, your song was about hopes and dreams, for others, its a literal translation about coal miners. I want to know what a jazz singer from Italy would bring to the table, a drum and bass producer from Poland, or a blues guitarist from Kitty Hawk, NC could do. Expedition Recordings has about a dozen artists, and another dozen producers, not to mention all the other musicians and producers NOT signed, but acquainted with. I think this could be something really big, and we could donate some of the proceeds to a cause of your choice.

Whatdya say?”

“HI Kiley...... how great to hear of such an awesome, creative idea... I like it a lot and will support it in any way that I can.... I'm also interested, it this works for you, in being one of the artists myself! It would be fun to find a treatment of the song for me that pushed my artistic limits a bit!
Let's chat more about it... but yes I'm totally into it, honoured that you are doing it, and keen to see how it all plays out! I should also mention that there are more lyrics to the song than the ones Margo used with the Cowboy Junkies... I have one version myself recorded with my old folk band Tamarack that uses them all ... “

MORE LYRICS!!!!  OMG OMG OMG. Needless to say, Kiley jumped out of his skin with excitement. James Gordon's version is on iTunes, and here is the Cowboy Junkies version.

SO, the call is out . . .

Expedition Recordings is asking YOU to be a part of history. . . . interpret the song, the lyrics, ask a singer to help you out, hum them, or create an instrumental. Ask other artists on Expedition to do the vocals or production for you. BE CREATIVE. Make this song your own.
You have the rights to release this song, your version, on Expedition Recordings.

Kiley is STILL giddy like a 13 year old girl. . . this project is so cool.

"Mining for Gold"

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