SVN is the founding father of Expedition Recordings. Created in 2003 by Kiley Thompson and Christian Aydt, the band was designed to push the boundaries of live electronica. Building stage setups from the ground up, their steep learning curve brought them attention from around the world. Within a few years, they played major clubs, began remix work, and slowly but surely built a database of connections.
As the years went by, and the catalog grew, the duo realized it was time to give back what they had gained: a wealth of knowledge in regards to music law, distribution, tours, design, licensing, promotion, marketing, publicity, yadda ya, etc, etc.
In 2012, Expedition Recordings, which initially was a self-releasing label for Science Vs Nature, began signing artists that they felt had what they started with: a drive, a curiosity, and a will to do something different.
Within months, the plan evolved into what we now know as Expedition Recordings.
Science Vs Nature is alive and well.
If you would like to know more about them please feel free to click their logo below, and explore their site.
Below is the full discography released by Expedition Recordings.